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Electrolytes have a significant impact on a battery's performance in a number of areas, including cycling efficiency, rate capability, and capacity retention.


As the demand for high-performance, long-lasting, flexible, and rechargeable zinc-air batteries grows, there are more opportunities and challenges for the development of electrolytes.


Lowest freezing point to -120°C


ionic conductivity can still reach 35 mS/cm at -110°C

Why Alkaline Solution?

1.Good ionic conductivity

2.Chemical stability

3.Compatibility with zinc

4.Low cost and environmentally friendly

5.Low oxygen reduction overpotential

6.Favorable oxygen transport

Why KOH SOlution?

Compare to NaOH solution, KOH solution has:

1.Lower viscosity

2.Higher oxygen diffusion coefficient

3.Greater solubility of zinc salts

4.More superior ionic conductivity

( Na (50.11Ω−1 cm2 equiv−1), K (73.50Ω−1 cm2 equiv−1))

Why 8M KOH solution?

1.8M KOH remains liquid at extreme low temperatures 

2.8M KOH solution has excellent ionic conductivity and diffusion constant in the temperature range of -110°C to 25°C.

For ionic conductivity


For diffusion constant




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